Learning to Love Leopard’s Spaces

So you’ve upgraded to Leopard and you’ve heard Spaces is soooo handy—it’s guaranteed to change the way you use your Mac! You check it out, but you don’t believe the hype. Until recently, that was me. As a web designer, I spend a lot of time with my browser (obviously); using one browser in multiple spaces — one space to scan feeds in Google Reader, another to check e-mail in Gmail and another to develop websites — doesn’t work. Until now.

Be like water.

Fluid came along and suddenly you can make any web app or web page a stand-alone desktop application. It’s also known as a site-specific browser (or SSB for you nerdy types).

What can Fluid do for you?

How does it work, you ask? Using the example above, maybe you want to follow Google Reader (i.e. play) in one space and develop websites (i.e., work) in another. If you’re using a single browser for both tasks, you’re seemingly SOL. Sure, you can open two windows and place each one in it’s own space. But when you quit the browser (or it crashes), all your careful window-shifting gets the shaft. With Fluid, you simply make Google Reader (or Gmail, Facebook, or any other online app) a standalone app and launch it in its own space (making the most of application assignments, natch).