Cameron’s book, Mobile Web Design (in gottahaveitnow-friendly PDF format) is available now. Worth every penny if you develop for mobile devices or think you might someday (and you will).
Category: bite sized
Worst. Homepage. Evar.
This definitely falls into the “so bad it’s good” category: Arngren
I’m sort of impressed that they managed to achieve a layout like this using absolutely positioned DIVs.
via Get Elastic
Remote Buddy & DarwiinRemote
Remote Buddy & DarwiinRemote — two apps that let you control your Mac with you Wiimote. has a good overview of Remote Buddy or you can watch the video here.
Jeremy Cowart Photography
Jeremy Cowart’s new site has popped up in no fewer than four of my feeds today, with good reason. The site is chock full of amazing photos.
The Denver Egotist
The Denver Egotist – their mission: Attempting to make Denver suck less, Daily. Maybe KC needs something like this…